World War 2 Thriller
Fascinating, weaving fact into an intriguing web of fiction. For the fan of historical fiction, A Plum Job is required reading. * The fictional tale Fox has woven through historical events is captivating and filled with drama and excitement.
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Political Thriller
Fox does great villains. * The large cast of characters are well-knit into a varied and complex plot that never loses impetus. * A book I keep going back to read more gets a big tick.
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A true tearjerker
An excellent mix of fact and fiction on the fabulous, and unfortunate journey from poverty in Ireland to the Yorkshire I know and love. * A splendid story reading like a Victorian melodrama and then the convincing tale of Patrick’s family life at Haworth.
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Pygmalion Down Under
A beautiful, brilliant book which I couldn’t put down. * A most curious book, heart warming as well as very clever. * I have finally read Noodles for Shakespeare and had to stop when on a plane because I was sobbing so much!
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